![]() | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA : ALABAMA some general data of the state |
General useful information |
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc. |
State and population |
capital: Montgomery // state code ISO: AL ; FIPS: US01 |
surface land area: 131434 sq.km = 50758 sq.mi // rank in USA: 28 // location: East South Central |
climate: long hot summers; mild winters; generally abundant rainfall |
entered USA as 22nd state on: 1819-12-14 |
administrative division: 67 counties |
total population according to the census of 2000: 4,447,100 |
population density 2000: 227 per sq.km = 87,6 per sq.mi // -growth 1999-2000: 10% |
main ethnic groups: white 71%; black 26% |
Economy and infrastructure |
chief crops: cotton, greenhouse & nursery, peanuts, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other vegetables |
livestock (million): cattle: 1,4 / pigs: 0,2 / poultry: 987 / sheep: |
timber/lumber: pine, hardwoods |
chief industries: pulp & paper, chemicals, electronics, apparel, textiles, primary metals |
chief industrial products: electronics, cast iron & plastic pipe, steel products, ships, paper products |
chief mining products: portland cement, crushed stone, lime, sand & gravel, masonry |
Some physical landmarks |
highest point in the state: Cheaha Mtn. 2407 ft = 734 m; other mountains: of no importance |
lowest point in the state: sea level |
lakes: |
artificial lakes: Wheeler L., Guntersville L., Dannelly Res., L. Martin, Weiss L., Lewis Smith L. |
rivers: Tennessee River, Alabama R., Coosa R., Tombigbee R., Mobile R., Black Warrior R. |
others: islands: some small ones // deserts: none |
Additional remarks, especially on the statistical information |
other important features: |
nick name(s): Heart of Dixie, Camellia State, Cotton State |
motto: We dare defend our rights |
song: Alabama |
flower: Camellia // bird: Yellowhammer // tree: Southern Longleaf pine |
primary sources: |
World almanac and book of facts; National Geographic Atlas of the World; maps: WN world @tlas |
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File created on 2003.02.08 by Jan Lahmeyer
© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer