![]() | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA[USA] : general data of the country |
General useful information |
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc. |
Nation and population |
official name (short form): United States ; United States of America |
country code ISO: US //; - FIPS: US |
location: North America |
time zones: from -5 to -10 UT* [*= applying daylight saving time] |
surface (land) area: 9166600 sq.km = 3539224 sq.mi //; - area incl. inland waters: 9372610 sq.km = 3618760 sq.mi |
geographical position in extreme co-ordinates: North: 71° N / South: 19° N / East: 67° W / West: 161° W |
borders (land): Canada, Mexico |
borders (coastline): Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico , Pacific Ocean, Arctic Ocean |
climate: a full range of climates |
Government |
independent since: 1776-07-04 |
type of government: republic |
capital: Washington, DC |
administrative division: state (50) |
Population |
population according to the latest census (2000): 281421,906 |
total population according to the estimate of midyear 2000: 275562,673; or: 281550,000 / -; 2001: 278058,881; or: 283955,000 |
population density: 30 per sq.km = 78 per sq.mi |
population growth: 0,9% //; - doubling time: not applicable, exceeds 100 years |
birth rate: 14 - 15 per 1000 |
death rate: 9 per 1000 |
fertility rate: 2 children per female |
maternal mortality: 9 per 100,000 |
infant mortality (1-4 years): 10 per 1000 |
life expectancy: 77 years (male: 74; female: 80) |
age breakdown: 0-14 years: 21% //; - 15-59 years: 62% //; - 60+ years: 17% |
urbanisation: 77% //; - urbanisation growth: 1,5% |
percentage of urban population in the greatest city: 15% |
Ethnic composition, language, religion |
ethnic groups: non-Hispanic white 75%; non-Hispanic black 12%; Hispanic 10%; Asian/Pacific islanders 3,3%; American Indian and Eskimo 0,7% |
languages: English (official); Spanish |
religious affiliation: Christian 85% (of which Protestant: 57%; Roman Catholic: 22%); Jewish 2%; Orthodox 2%; Muslim 2%; non-religious 10% |
Health |
daily food intake: 3757 calories per capita |
population with access to safe water: 100% |
people per physician: 365 |
people per hospital bed: 250 |
Education, literacy |
school enrolment: primary education 6-11 years: 100% |
school enrolment: secondary education: 88% |
school enrolment: tertiary education 20-24 years: 60% |
adult literacy: 91% (male: %; female: %) |
Economy and infrastructure |
Economy and trade |
currency: US dollar = 100 cents |
annual inflation rate: 2% |
population below poverty line: 16% |
Gross Domestic Product: USD 27000 per capita |
GNI USD 34100 per capita //; - [ppp: 34100] |
GDP growth: 2% |
income: USD 22560 per capita |
import: USD 817627 per capita //; - export: USD 622784 per capita |
trade: USD 3922 per capita //; - or 21% of GDP |
human development index: 0,934 //; - position of the country in the world no.: 6 |
female labour force: 46% |
unemployment: 4% |
tourism: 51 million |
Economic activities in agriculture, fisheries, industry, mining, services, energy |
land use: arable land: 21% //; - grass land: 26% //; - wooded area: 32% //; - arid land and desert: ca 15% |
agriculture: labour force: 3% //; - part of agriculture in GDP: 2% |
agricultural products: cereals, cotton, tobacco, soya beans, fruit, potatoes, oilseeds, sugar cane |
livestock (million): cattle: 98 / goats: 1,35 / horses: 5,2 / pigs: 59 / poultry: 1823 / sheep: 7 |
fish catch: 5450000 metric tonnes |
industry: labour force: 18% //; - part of industry in GDP: 29% |
industrial products: iron & steel, vehicles, chemicals, telecommunications, aeronautics & space, food products |
mining products: oil & natural gas, coal, copper, lead, iron ore, zinc, molybdenum, silver, gold, phosphates, bauxite, uranium > |
CO2 emission per capita: 19,8 // some more mining products: mercury, nickel, potash, tungsten |
services: labour force: 76% //; - part of services in GDP: 69% |
energy use (kg per capita): 8159 |
electricity use (per capita): 11994 |
annual water use (per capita): 1870 |
Traffic, communication |
road network: 6370000 km //; - of which paved: 91% //; - of which are motorways: 89203 km |
vehicles: 570 per 1000 |
railways: 161817, or: 270312 km //; - railways passenger/km: 22365 |
navigable inland waterways: 41009, or 41485 km |
ownership telephone: 626 - 682 per 1000 |
ownership radio receivers: 1976 - 2146 per 1000 |
ownership tv-sets: 780 - 847 per 1000 |
newspaper circulation: 228 per 1000 |
persons per post office: 5300 |
personal computers: 585 per 1000 |
Some physical landmarks |
mountains: Mt. McKinley 6194 m, Mt. St. Elias 5489, Mt. Foraker 5304, Mt. Bona 5005, Mt. Blackburn 4994, Mt. Sanford 4949 > |
> Mt. Fairweather 4663, Mt. Bear 4520, Mt. Whitney 4418, Mt. Elbert 4399, Mt. Rainier 4392, Mt. Shasta 4317, Wrangell 4317 > |
> Pikes Peak 4301, Mauna Kea 4205, Mauna Loa 4169 / for more mountains see the separate files per state |
lowest point: 86 m below sea level: Death Valley |
lakes (natural): Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Great Salt Lake |
lakes (artificial reservoirs): Lake Mead, Lake Powell, Lake Sakakawea, Lake Ohae, Lake Cumberland an lots more |
lakes (deepest): unknown |
rivers: Mississippi/Missouri, Yukon, St.Lawrence, Rio Grande, Arkansas, Colorado, Atchafalaya, Ohio, Red, Brazos, Columbia > |
canals: Welland Canal // some more rivers: Snake, Platte |
waterfalls: Yosemite 739 m, Ribbon, Silver Strand, Feather, Bridaveil, Multnomah |
caves: longest system: Carlsbad Caverns / deepest: Mammoth Cave |
islands: Hawaii, Aleutian Islands |
deserts: Mojave, Death Valley, Great Basin |
other natural features: canyons, geysers, glaciers, large trees, rain forests, volcanoes |
Additional remarks, especially on the statistical information |
other important features: |
apart from physical landmarks most of the above figures are changeable, in most cases they date from the 1990's |
primary sources used for the general information: |
BB CA EV PW WA WB WR, and some national statistical yearbooks |
no further particulars concerning population data |
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Latest modification of this page on 2004-03-13 by Jan Lahmeyer
© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer