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map of North CarolinaUNITED STATES


  • some general data of the state

General useful information
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc.
State and population
capital: Raleigh // state code ISO: NC ; FIPS: US37
surface: 126187 = 48724 sq.mi // rank in USA: 29 // location: South Atlantic
climate: sub-tropical in SE, medium-continental in mountain region, tempered by Gulf Stream
entered USA as 12th state ratifying the Constitution on: 1789-11-21
administrative division: 100 counties
total population according to the census of 2000: 8,049,313
population density 2000: 64 per = 165 per sq.mi // net growth 1999-2000: 21,4%
main ethnic groups: white 72,1%; black 21,6%; Asian 1,4%; Native American/Nat. AK 1,2%; other 3,5%
Economy and infrastructure
chief crops: tobacco, cotton, soybeans, corn, food grains, wheat, peanuts, sweet potatoes
livestock (million): cattle: 0,95 / pigs: 9,4 / poultry: 17,6; broilers 674,6
timber/lumber: yellow pine, oak, hickory, poplar, maple
chief industries: manufacturing, agriculture, tourism
chief industrial products: food products, textiles, industrial machinery & equipm., electrical & electronic equipm.
chief mining products: crushed stone, phosphate rock, sand & gravel, clays
Some physical landmarks
highest point in the state: Mt. Mitchell 2037 m = 6684 ft
other mountains: Clingmans Dome 2025, Mt. Guyot 2018
lowest point in the state: sea level
lakes: Lake Waccamaw, Nantahala Lake, Mattamuskeet Lake, Phelps Lake
artificial lakes: High Rock Lake, L. Norman, Wylie L., Fontana L., Buggs Island L., L. Gaston
rivers: Roanoke, Tar, Pamlico, Neuse, Cape Fear, Yadkin
others: islands: Hatteras Island, Smith Island, Bodie Island, Roanoke Island // deserts: none
Additional remarks, especially on the statistical information
other important features:
nick name(s): Tar Heel State, Old North State
motto: Esse Quam Videri (To be rather than to seem)
song: The Old North State
flower: Dogwood // bird: Cardinal // tree: Pine
primary sources:
World almanac and book of facts; National Geographic Atlas of the World; maps: WN world @tlas

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File created on 2003.03.03 by Jan Lahmeyer
© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer