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map of Greece; source: WRGREECE

[Ellás ; Hellás] :
general data of the country

General useful information
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc.
Nation and population
official name (short form): Hellas ; Ellados
country code ISO: GR //; - FIPS: GR
location: Southeast Europe
time zone: UT [*= applying daylight saving time]
surface (land) area: = sq.mi //; - area incl. inland waters: = sq.mi
geographical position in extreme co-ordinates: North: 41°45'01" N / South: 34°48'11" N / East: 29°38'39" E / West: 19°22'41" E
borders (land): Albania, FYRO Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey
borders (coastline): Mediterranean Sea
climate: Mediterranean, this varies according to altitude from alpine to subtropical
independent since: 1830-02-03 ; 1913
type of government: republic
capital: Athínai (Athens)
administrative division: region (13) into nomoi (51)
population according to the latest census (2001): 10964,080
total population according to the estimate of midyear 2000: 10601,527; or: 10560,000
population density: 83 per = 215 per sq.mi
population growth: 0,5% //; - doubling time: not applicable; exceeds 100 years
birth rate: 10 - 12 per 1000
death rate: 10 per 1000
fertility rate: 1 child per female
maternal mortality: 9 per 100,000
infant mortality (1-4 years): 13 per 1000
life expectancy: 78 years (male: 76; female: 81)
age breakdown: 0-14 years: 20% //; - 15-59 years: 60% //; - 60+ years: 20%
urbanisation: 60% //; - urbanisation growth: 2%
percentage of urban population in the greatest city: 57%
Ethnic composition, language, religion
ethnic groups: Greek 98%; Macedonian 1%; Turkish 0,9%; Albanian, Slav
languages: Greek
religious affiliation: Greek Orthodox 92%; Muslim 1%; other 7%
daily food intake: 3630 calories per capita
population with access to safe water: %
people per physician: 244
people per hospital bed: 200
Education, literacy
school enrolment: primary education 6-11 years: 100%
school enrolment: secondary education: 97%
school enrolment: tertiary education 20-24 years: 28%
adult literacy: 95% (male: 98%; female: 93%)
Economy and infrastructure
Economy and trade
currency: Euro = 100 cents (until 2002: Drachma = 100 lepta)
annual inflation rate: 9%
population below poverty line: %
Gross Domestic Product: USD 8210 per capita
GNI USD 11960 per capita //; - [ppp: 16860]
GDP growth: 1,8%
income: USD 6230 per capita
import: USD 25927 per capita //; - export: USD 10955 per capita
trade: USD 3005 per capita //; - or 32% of GDP
trade partners: DE FR IT GB NL US JP
human development index: 0,881 //; - position of the country in the world no.: 23
female labour force: 38%
unemployment: 11%
tourism: 12,5 million
Economic activities in agriculture, fisheries, industry, mining, services, energy
land use: arable land: 31% //; - grass land: 41% //; - wooded area: 20% //; - arid land and desert: %
agriculture: labour force: 25% //; - part of agriculture in GDP: 17%
agricultural products: wheat, tobacco, cotton, olives, grapes, corn, sugar beets, citrus & other fruits, tomatoes
livestock (million): asses: 0,07 / cattle: 0,6 / goats: 5,3 / horses: 0,03 / mules: 0,03 / pigs: 0,9 / poultry: 28,7 / sheep: 9
fish catch: 136699 - 214228 metric tonnes
industry: labour force: 19% //; - part of industry in GDP: 27%
industrial products: food processing, chemicals, steel, aluminium, shipping, shipbuilding, textiles, wine
mining products: bauxite, iron, chromium, natural gas & oil, coal, marble, nickel, magnesite, lignite
CO2 emission per capita: 8,1
services: labour force: 56% //; - part of services in GDP: 56%
energy use (kg per capita): 2552
electricity use (per capita): 3854
annual water use (per capita): 523
Traffic, communication
road network: 116440 km //; - of which paved: 92% //; - of which are motorways: 470 km
vehicles: 172 per 1000
railways: 2299 - 2474 km //; - railways passenger/km: 1399
navigable inland waterways: 80 km
ownership telephone: 493 - 528 per 1000
ownership radio receivers: 400 - 477 per 1000
ownership tv-sets: 241 - 466 per 1000
newspaper circulation: 156 per 1000
persons per post office: 8260
personal computers: 71 per 1000
Some physical landmarks
mountains: Olympos 2917 m, Smolikas 2637, Grammos 2521, Voras 2519, Giona 2507, Tymfi 2499, Parnassos 2455, Idi 2454, Lefka Ori 2454
lowest point: sea level
lakes (natural): Trichonis, Vólvi, Vegoritis, Vistonidis, Korónia, Prespa, Kerkini, Ioannínon, Kastorías, Doïránis, Voïvís a.o.
lakes (artificial reservoirs): a few small ones
lakes (deepest): unknown
rivers: Aliákmonas, Acheloos, Pineiós, Evros, Nestos, Strymón, Thyamis, Alfeiós, Árachthos
canals: Kórinthos Canal
waterfalls: unknown
caves: longest system: unknown / deepest:
islands: Kríti, Lésvos, Rodos, Kefallonia, Kérkyra, Chios, Sámos, Limnos, Zákynthos, Thassos, Naxos, Andros a.o.
deserts: none
other natural features:
Additional remarks, especially on the statistical information
other important features:
apart from physical landmarks most of the above figures are changeable, in most cases they date from the 1990's
primary sources used for the general information:
BB CA EV PW WA WB WR, and some national statistical yearbooks
particulars concerning population data:

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Latest modification of this page on 2004-02-14 by Jan Lahmeyer
© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer