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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the urban centers

PLACE NAMEtinh (province)variants of the namee1992/93c1989c1989c1979e1973ue1970?e1968e1960/61e1948?e1940c1936c1931c1926c1921c1914e1911uc1906c1901e1890e1880ca 1865particularselevationfound.yr
Bac GiangHBPhulangthuong50,984,1
Bac LiêumhBaclieu, Vinh Loi83,5115,953,812,0
Bãc NinhhbBacninh64,222,6
Banmethuot> see:Buôn Ma Thuôt
Bên TreBRBentri44,8100,8
Biên HòaDN273,9313,887,182,520,019,3
Binh-Dinh> see:Qui Nhonin Atlante Internazionale TCI: An Nhon, just north of Q.N.
Buôn Ma ThuôtDLBuon Me Thuot, Lac Giao, Banmethuot282,197,0228,568,8
Cà MauMHQuan Long, Camau81,959,352,4
Câm PhaqnCampha209,1105,3127,40
Cam RanhCamranh114,0118,184,3
Câ'n Tho'CTCantho215,6208,1284,3182,492,187,728,096,4
Cao BangCBCaobang35,1
Cao LanhDTCaolanh120,516,5
Cap Saint-Jacques> see:V~ung Tàu
Chau DocChaudoc50,988,3
Chau Phu37,2
CholonCho lon207,1145,3134,1198,7226,8168,1191,7172,8122,1suburb of Thanh Pho Ho Chi Minhca. 1780
Da LatLD106,487,1102,6105,183,75,01520
-Dà NãngQDTourane, Turan, Danang382,7369,7492,2363,3334,2108,857,425,020,07,04,50
Dông HàQTDongha85,5
-Dô'ng Hó'iQBDong Hoi, Donghoi, Quang Binh65,9
Dong Kinh> see:Ha nôi
Faifo> see:Hoi An
Gia Dinh> see:Thành Phô Hô' Chí Minh
Go CôngtgGocong, Vinh Binh50,233,2
Ha DongHYHadong74,5
Ha GiangHGHagiang25,4
Ha NamnhHanam30,4
Ha nôiHNHanoi, Dong Kinh, Tong King, Kescho1073,8905,91088,9643,6414,6238,0135,0148,6123,2103,280,9137,0113,7103,2120,0150,016
Ha nôi (agglomeration)HN2154,91275,03056,52571,01378,0850,01400,0297,9130,0150,0
Ha TinhHTHatinh19,80
Hai DuongHHHaiduong53,4110,87,0
Hãi PhongHPHaiphong, Haifong783,1351,9456,0369,2182,570,0122,0105,083,327,016,1
Hâi Phong (agglomeration)HP1447,51447,51279,0600,0217,0
Ho Chi Minh City> see:Thành Phô Hô' Chí Minh
Hòa BìnhHOHoa Binh, Hoabinh69,30
Hôi AnqdHoian, Faifo69,145,10
Hon Gai> see:Hô'ng `Gai
Hô'ng `GaiQNHon Gai, Hongay127,5123,1129,4100,015,00
Huê'TTHué219,1211,7260,5209,0170,9156,5101,696,413,128,065,062,860,650,050,450,050,0former capital of Annam03rd cent.
Hung YenhyHungyen34,9capital of new province Hung Yen formed 1997
Kescho> see:Ha nôi
Khanh Hung59,0
Kon TumKTKontum100,533,6524
Lac Giao> see:Buôn Ma Thuôt
Lai ChauLCLaichau21,3
Lang So'nLSLangson52,2
Lao CaiLOLaocay, Laokai36,9
Long XuyênAGLongxuyen132,7128,8214,072,747,4
Long Xuyên (agglomeration)217,2148,3
Minh Ha'i72,50
M~y ThoTGMytho108,4104,7149,2119,9110,026,010,06,0
Nam -DinhNHNamdinh171,7165,6219,6125,027,024,0
Nha TrangKHNhatrang221,3213,5263,1216,2103,2101,90
Ninh BinhNBNinhbinh38,9
Phan RangNTPhanrang, Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm71,1130,633,426,10
Phan Rang-Tháp Chàm> see:Phan Rang
Phan Thi~etBUPhanthiet114,2150,680,10
Phu CuongPhucuong28,3
Phu Phong> see:Tây Ninh
Phu Vinh> see:Tra Vinh
Phulangthuong> see:Bac Liêu
Play CuGLPlây Ku77,0126,3785
Plây Ku> see:Play Cu
Quan Long> see:Cà Mau
Quang Binh> see:-Dô'ng Hó'i
Quáng NgãiQGQuangngai89,214,10
Quang TriqtQuangtri15,90
Qui Nho'nBDQuy Nhon, Bindh-Dinh, Thinai163,4159,9210,9213,8116,8147,274,474,473,015,015,00
Quy Nhon> see:Qui Nhon
Rach GiaKGRachgia141,1137,8151,4104,266,70
Sa -DécdtSadec50,792,051,920,0
Saigon> see:Thành Phô Hô' Chí Minh
Soc TrangSTSoctrang87,9
Son LaSLSonla50,0
So'n TâyhtSon Tay, Sontay, T.X. So'n Tây90,919,26,512,0
Tam K`yqdTam Key, Tamky45,8142,338,5
Tân AnLATanan50,3100,538,1
Tây NinhTNTayninh, Phu Phong37,123,0
Thai BinhTBThaibinh57,6121,014,7
Thái NguyênBCThainguyen127,6124,9171,8110,0
Thanh HóaTHTonj-hoa, Thanhoa85,031,29,07,0source RL gives also name Xu-Thanh (only for province?)
Thành Phô Hô' Chí MinhHCHo Chi Minh City, Saigon, Gia Dinh3015,72796,23169,1189,8110,6123,3143,2108,6100,081,050,937,650,0
Thành Phô Hô' Chí Minh (agglomeration)HC4322,33300,03924,33420,01825,01761,32000,01251,01179,0256,0180,0182,0166,0some recent figures include suburb Cholon
Thinai> see:Qui Nhon
Thù Dãu MôtSBThudaumot, Thudoumot
Tong King> see:Ha nôi
Tonj-hoa> see:Thanh Hoa
Tourane> see:-Dà Nãng
Trà VinhTVTravinh, Phu Vinh47,861,448,5
Truc Giang68,6
Turan> see:-Dà Nãng
Tuy HòaPYTuyhoa54,1158,363,60
Tuyen QuangTQTuyenquang48,0
T.X. So'n Tây> see:So'n Tây
Uong BiqnUongbi49,679,0
Viet TriVPViettri73,3116,1
Vinh Binh> see:Go Công
Vinh Loi> see:Bac Lieu
V~inh LongVLVinhlong81,632,230,70
V~ung TàuBVVungtau, Cap Saint-Jacques145,1133,6136,2123,5108,079,30
Yên BaiYBYenbai, Yenbay58,6

In column of "province" the places which are not capitals of provinces are shown with small letters.
File created on 2001.12.14; last revision and update on 2001.12.16 by Jan Lahmeyer

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