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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the administrative division

OBLASTcapitalsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.misurface/sq.misurface/sq.mie2002pc1999e1996/97e1993jac1989c1979c1979e1973be1972bc1970codecodecodepos.particularsvariants of the name
BatkenBatken17000405,8382,4311,8237,5BAsplit from O`s ca 1998?
ChüyKara-Balta202001868418700483927214720018684817,9770,8790,6774,0796,7700,1CHCKG02ncformed 1939; source GL: merged ca 1959 with and split again from O`s ca 1969Chu, Cu, Frunze
Jalal-AbadJalal-Abad33700336483950033648129911520012991922,4869,3851,4812,8743,3586,6DADKG03cnformed 1939; source GL: formed ca 1990 from parts of O`s and TalasDzhalal-Abad, Djalal-Abad
NarynNaryn452004670747300120971180341830046707264,3249,1263,2267,9247,9214,5228,0203,0198,0186,0NANKG04sejoined Ysyk-Köl from 1959-1991Tyan-Shan, Tien-Shan
O`sO`s292004618938100461891783414700178341247,91176,01353,81360,9941,8734,71546,01341,01307,01233,0OSOKG05swformed 1939Osh
TalasTalas11400114461140011446441944004419212,1199,9201,8203,0192,5163,5TLTKG06nwformed 1939; source GL: merged ca 1953 with and split again from Chüy ca 1981
Ysyk-KölBalychky431004314443500111743166581680043144438,4413,1428,8429,3403,9350,6353,0330,0325,0312,0YKIKG07neformed 1939; source GL: merged ca 1959 with and split again from Tien-Shan ca 1973Issyk-Kul
not divided data:1402,0808,0814,01202,0the sources used did not state all detailed figures per province
city of republic subordination:
Bi`skekBi`skek100808,9762,3589,4634,1619,9535,5463,0452,0BKKG01ncsome sources regard this city state merely a part of Chüy oblastBishkek, Frunze
TOTAL:Bi`skek19990019981819850037238977150766001437795117,74822,94479,04482,04257,83522,83529,03145,03096,02933,0due to the use of different sources the surface area data are stated several times

Source "SE" means "Statisti`ceskich e`zegodnik".
File created on 2001.02.03; revised and last modified on 2002.09.03 by Jan Lahmeyer

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