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some data of the islands

ISLANDScapital surface/sq.kmsurface/sq.mi codepos. particularsvariants of the name
         apart from Pitcairn, all others islands are unhabited 
Ducie  6,52,5 DCec   
Henderson  31,112,0 HNnc  Elizabeth Island
Oeno  5,22,0 ONnw   
PitcairnAdamstown 4,61,8 PCsw Adamstown is the only settlement on the island 
TOTAL:Adamstown 47,318,3    no detailed information on population available, see the table of the country 

Last revision and update on 2001.07.08 by Jan Lahmeyer

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There is only one settlement in this country, and no detailed data are available.
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© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer