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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the islands

STATEcapital surface/sq.kmsurface/sq.mi c1990 codepos. particularsvariants of the name
source:     BB GL    
Aimeliik  5220 439 2    
Airai  4417 1234 4    
Angaur  83 206 10   Ngeaur
Hatobohei  31 22 50sw  Tobi
Kayangel  31 137 100ne  Ngcheangel
Koror  197 10501 150   Oroer
Melekeok  2811 244 212   Melekeiok
Ngaraard  3614 310 214    
Ngarchelong  104 354 218    
Ngardmau  4718 149 222    
Ngatpang  4718 62 224    
Ngchesar  4116 287 226    
Ngeremlengui  6525 281 227   Ngaremlengui
Ngiwal  2610 234 228    
Peleliu  135 601 350   Beliliou
Sonsorol  31 61 370    
Rock-Islands  4718 0     Chelbacheb
TOTAL:Koror 488188 15122      
Division in islands (-groups):       DV  code numbering mostly according to Short gazetteer of Micronesia 
Ngeruangel       1   Ngaruangl Reef
Ngcheangel       2   Kayangel
Babeldaob       3   Babelthuap
Oreor       4   Koror
Ngerekebesang       5   Arakabesan
Ngerchaol       6   Ngargol
Ngemelachel       7   Malakal
Chelbacheb:       8   Rock Islands
Ulebsechel       8a   Auluptagel
Ngeteklou       8b   Gologugeul
Bukrrairong       8c   Kamori
Ngeruktabel       8d   Urukthapel
Tlutkaraguis       8e   Adorius
Butottoribo       8f    
Ongael       8g    
Ngebedangel       8h   Ngobasangel
Ulong       8i   Aulong
Mecherchar       8j   Eil Malk
Bablomekang       8k   Abappaomogan
Ngerukeuid       8l   Orukuizu
Ngemlis       9   Ngemelis Islands
Ngercheu       10   Ngergoi
Ngedbus       11   Ngesebus
Ngerechong       12   Ngeregong
Ngebad       13   Ngabad
Bililiou       14   Peleliu
Ngeaur       15   Angaur
Southwest Islands:            
Sonsorol Islands       16a    
Fana       16b    
Sonsorol       17    
Pulo Anna       18    
Merir       19    
Tobi       20    
Helen       21   Helen Reef

The "states" of this country were formerly known as "municipalities".
The population data are the real figures without decimals.
Last revision and update on 2001.06.17 by Jan Lahmeyer

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