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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the whole country

populationyear populationyear populationyear populationyear populationyear
127026,01700 271306,01900 277175,01930 431463,01960 833929,01990
140413,01725 270183,01901 279115,01931 438800,0c1961 843931,01991c
155212,01750 269064,01902 284102,01932 452378,01962 883473,01992
198344,01775 267950,01903 287902,01933 462196,01963 900453,01993
255000,01800 266840,01904 291753,01934 472305,01964 918570,01994
255293,01805 265735,01905 295666,01935 482706,01965 934228,0e1995
255587,01810 264635,01906 299614,01936 493389,01966 945121,01996
255880,01815 263539,01907 303626,01937 504345,01967 962378,01997
256175,01820 262447,01908 307694,01938 515601,01968 979673,01998
256469,01825 261361,01909 311820,01939 527177,01969 997515,01999
256764,01830 260278,01910 316004,01940 539075,01970 1014003,8e2000m
257000,01834 259201,01911 318826,01941 547900,0c1971 1027015,2c2001
270348,01840 258127,01912 324180,01942 563530,01972  2002
282000,01845 257058,01913 328255,01943 575887,01973  2003
283496,01850 255994,01914 332332,01944 588299,01974  2004
285000,01855 254934,01915 336562,01945 600763,01975 1094985,02005e
292366,01860 253878,01916 340796,01946 613273,01976  2006
135634,21861 252827,01917 345085,01947 630200,01977m  2007
148457,01866 251780,01918 349430,01948 644330,01978m  2008
191307,11871 250737,01919 353832,01949 658730,01979m  2009
303415,01867/72 249699,01920 350445,01950 688956,01980 1170014,02010e
306000,01871 251441,01921 363211,01951 685200,0c1981  2011
300963,01875 254963,01922 369231,01952 703570,01982m  2012
201888,11881 257637,01923 375633,01953 719090,01983m  2013
250155,01881 260339,01924 382438,01954 734870,01984m  2014
293562,01881 263071,01925 395096,01955 749184,01985 1237985,02015e
288730,01885 265831,01926 397334,01956 767200,01986m 1304263,02020ep
282801,01890 268621,01927 405450,01957 783730,01987m 1370028,02025ep
276994,01895 271442,01928 414021,01958 797526,01988 1432181,02030ep
295215,01901* 274293,01929 423053,01959 817490,01989m 1706951,02050ep

Main source of the data prior to 1950: KB.
Some of the data prior to 1902 with higher figures are for the whole area of British India, which included also Pakistan and Birma.
File created on 1997-01-07; revised on 2000-12-10; last modified 2003-07-16 by Jan Lahmeyer

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