![]() | CHINA[Zhongguo] : |
General useful information |
Note: some data are of constant value, while other are due to changes, fluctuations etc. |
Nation and population |
official name (short form): Zhong Guo |
country code ISO: CN [CHN] //; - FIPS: CH |
location: East Asia |
time zone: +8 UT |
surface (land) area: 9326410 sq.km = 3600927 sq.mi //; - area incl. inland waters: 9596960 sq.km = 3705386 sq.mi |
geographical position in extreme co-ordinates: North: 53° N / South: 18° N / East: 135° E / West: 73° E |
borders (land): Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, India, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajiskistan, Kyrygzstan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation, Mongolia, North Korea |
borders (coastline): Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea |
climate: n/nw: continental semi-arid; s/se: warm, humid |
Government |
independent since: 1523 BC; 1912; 1949 |
type of government: people's republic |
capital: Beijing (Peking) |
administrative division: province (22), autonomous region (5), municipality + special admin.region (6) |
Population |
population according to the latest census (2000): 1265830,000 |
total population according to the estimate of midyear 2000: 1261832,482 [+SAR's: 1261939,478] ; 2002: 1287626,000 |
population density: 134 per sq.km = 347 per sq.mi |
population growth: 1,2% //; - doubling time: 67 years |
birth rate: 16 - 21 per 1000 |
death rate: 7 per 1000 |
fertility rate: 2 children per female |
maternal mortality: 44 per 100,000 |
infant mortality (in the first year of life): 38 - 104 per 1000 |
infant mortality (from 1st - 4th year of life): 30 - 31 per 1000 |
life expectancy: 71 years (male: 69; female: 73) |
age breakdown: 0-14 years: 27% //; - 15-59 years: 65% //; - 60+ years: 9% |
urbanisation: 32% //; - urbanisation growth: 3% |
percentage of urban population in the greatest city: 6% |
Ethnic composition, language, religion |
ethnic groups: Han 92%; Zhaung 1,4; Manchiu 0,9; Hui 0,8; Miao 0,6; Uigur 0,6; Yi 0,6; and 50 other 3% |
languages: Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua), other Chinese dialects (Cantonese), 55 local dialects (Tibetan, Kazakh, Mongol etc.) |
religious affiliation: Confucian 20%; Buddhist 8,5%; Taoist 2%; Muslim 1,4%; Christian 6?%; non religious 59%; traditional 10% |
Health |
daily food intake: 2972 calories per capita |
population with access to safe water: 90% [FW 2000: 75%] |
people per physician: 600 -1000 |
people per hospital bed: 424 |
Education, literacy |
school enrolment: primary education 6-11 years: 100% |
school enrolment: secondary education: 44% [DK: 63%] |
school enrolment: tertiary education 20-24 years: 2% [DK: 7%] |
adult literacy: 73 - 85% (male: 92%; female: 78%) [PG total: 70%] |
Economy and infrastructure |
Economy and trade |
currency: Renminbi yuan (RMB.Y) = 10 jiao = 100 fen |
annual inflation rate: 6 - 7% |
population below poverty line: 4,6% [FW: 16%] |
Gross Domestic Product: USD 361 per capita |
GNI USD 840 - 960 per capita //; - [ppp: 3920 - 4520] |
GDP growth: 9% |
income: USD 370 - 620 per capita |
import: USD 132083 per capita //; - export: USD 148780 per capita |
trade: USD 137 per capita //; - or 44% of GDP |
trade partners: US JP KR DE |
human development index: 0,718 //; - position of the country in the world no.: 87 |
female labour force: 45% |
unemployment: 3 - 4% |
tourism: 37 - 50 million |
Economic activities in agriculture, fisheries, industry, mining, services, energy |
land use: arable land: 13,5% //; - grass land: 41,7% //; - wooded area: 16,6% //; - arid land and desert: % |
agriculture: labour force: 74% [FW 2001: 45%] //; - part of agriculture in GDP: 27% [FW 2002: 15%] |
agricultural products: fish, rice, timber, tobacco, maize, wheat, sorghum, barley, millet, cotton, potatoes, tea |
livestock (million): asses: 9 / buffalo: 22 / camels: 0,3 / cattle: 105 / ducks: 661 / geese: 215 / goats: 148 / pigs: 465 / poultry: 4237 / sheep: 133 |
fish catch: 17240032 or 43100000 metric tonnes [difference due to the use of several sources] |
industry: labour force: 14% [FW 2001: 17%] //; - part of industry in GDP: 42% [FW 2002: 51%] |
industrial products: cement, forestry, textiles, iron & steel, bicycles, machine building, armaments |
mining products: antimony, coal, gold, iron ore, manganese, natural gas & oil, phosphates, tungsten, salt, molybdenum, titanium, tin, lead, mercury |
CO2 emission per capita: 2,5 |
services: labour force: 13% [FW 2001: 24%] //; - part of services in GDP: 31% [FW 2002: 34%] |
energy use (kg per capita): 868 |
electricity use (per capita): 758 |
annual water use (per capita): 461 |
Traffic, communication |
road network: 1,16 million km //; - of which paved: 22% [314204] //; - of which are motorways: 16314 km |
vehicles: 1 - 7 per 1000 // international license plate: VRC |
railways: 58656, 65000; or: 72900 km //; - railways passenger/km: 354570 |
navigable inland waterways: 110562 km |
ownership telephone: 34 - 137 per 1000 // international dialling code: +86 |
ownership radio receivers: 178 - 335 per 1000 |
ownership tv-sets: 247 - 321 per 1000 |
newspaper circulation: 23 per 1000 |
persons per post office: 27790 |
personal computers: 17 per 1000 |
Some physical landmarks |
mountains: Mount Everest 8848 m, Ch'aio-ko-li Feng (K2) 8611, Kamet 7756, Namjagbarwa Feng 7755 |
lowest point: Turpan Pendi 154 m below sea level |
lakes (natural): Poyang Hu, Dongting Hu, Hongze Hu, Hulun Nur, Lop Nur, Qinghai Hu |
lakes (artificial reservoirs): several |
lakes (deepest): |
rivers: Changjiang (Yang tze kiang) 6300 km, Huanghe 5464, Songhuajiang 2308,Zhujiang 2214, Amur, Xi jiang, Mekong, Salween, Brahmaputra |
canals: Da Yunhe (Grand Canal) |
waterfalls: |
caves: longest system: / deepest: |
islands: Hainan |
deserts: Taklimakan Shamo |
other natural features: |
Additional remarks, especially on the statistical information |
other important features: |
apart from physical landmarks most of the above figures are changeable, in most cases they date from the 1990's |
separate files with data exists for the SAR's Hong Kong and Macau |
primary sources used for the general information: |
BB CA DK EV FW PW WA WB WR, and some - local national or international - statistical yearbooks |
particulars concerning population data: |
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Latest modification of this page on 2004-12-27 by Jan Lahmeyer
© "Populstat" website: Jan Lahmeyer