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more specific data of the islands

ISLANDcapitalsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.micodepos.particularsvariants of the name
East Falklande
adjacent islands:
Barren Island
Bleaker Island
George Island
Lively Island
Sea Lion Islands
Speedwell Island
East Falkland subtotal:67602610there are no detailed population figures per island available
West Falklandw
adjacent islands:
Beaver Island
Carcass Island
Jason Islandsincluding Grand Jason, Steeple Jason
Keppel Island
New Island
Pebble Island
Saunders Island
Weddell Island
West Falkland subtotal:54132090there are no detailed population figures per island available

File created on 2002.01.23 by Jan Lahmeyer

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© "populstat" site: Jan Lahmeyer