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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the urban centers

PLACE NAMEvariants of the namee2002pc1991m1985e1984e1978e1970c196019501946e1938c19211900particularselevationfound.yrposition
Atkinson2,52,51531 N 6117 W
Barroui1,51,51526 N 6127 W
Berekua3,901514 N 6119 W
Castle Bruce1,42,01,501526 N 6116 W
CoulihautColihaut1,61,71,001528 N 6128 W
DelicesDelice0,41516 N 6116 W
Grand Bay3,22,4
La Plaine2,50,701520 N 6115 W
Mahaut2,42,42,11,701523 N 6125 W
Marigot2,92,93,23,201532 N 6118 W
Pennville01537 N 6125 W
Petit Soufrière0,90,8
Pointe Michel1,21,201514 N 6123 W
Pont Cassé0,70,71522 N 6122 W
Portsmouth3,63,62,34,201535 N 6128 W
Rosalie0,80,80,81522 N 6116 W
Roseau19,716,516,09,320,010,212,612,09,88,06,84,701517 N 6123 W
Saint Joseph2,62,22,62,601524 N 6126 W
Soufrière1,00,91514 N 6122 W
Vieille Case1,31,401537 N 6125 W
Wesley2,01,92,02,11534 N 6119 W

File created on 2000-05-21; revised on 2002-08-02; and last modified on 2003-09-02 by Jan Lahmeyer

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