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POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

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historical demographical data of the administrative division

REGIONcapitalsurface/sq.kmsurface/sq.mic1998e1995c1987c1987e1986c1976c1976e1969e1964codecodecodepos.particularsvariants of the name
BamakoBamako916,8838,7BABKOML01wcsplit into Bamako (Capital District) and Koulikoro ca. 1984
GaoGao17057265858363,5408,0380,7383,7461,0370,9367,8606,3556,1GA7ML02ncsplit into Gao and Kidal 1991
KidalKidal15143058467KD8nepopulation of Kidal is included in Gao; established 1991.05.15
KoulikoroKoulikoro95848370071563,51462,01198,01180,31169,6932,2916,1KK2ML07wcsplit from Bamako ca. 1984
TimbuktuTimbuktu496611191743445,6462,0456,9453,0601,4490,5487,3TB6ML08nwsplit from Gao ca. 1980
BamakoBamako252971016,3913,0658,3646,2862,6419,2404,0BABKOML01wcCapital District

Source indicated with "AA" means: Atlas d'Afrique. Mali.
File created on 2001.03.26; revised and last modified on 2002.12.19 by Jan Lahmeyer

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