All countries of the world listed from A-Z:

List of all countries of the world

or choose from the countries per continent below:

Countries of Africa

Countries of the Americas

Countries of Asia

Countries of Europe

Countries of Oceania

USA per state

POPULATION STATISTICS: historical demography of all countries, their divisions and towns

About this siteFrequently Asked QuestionsLinks to other sitesRemarks on the dataSources used for the dataRecent updates of the data
people before statistics


Growth of the population per country in a historical perspective,
including their administrative divisions and principal towns

rainbow line

Here you will find a historical, demographical and statistical overview of the population of all the countries in the world, their administrative divisions and their important cities.

The construction and lay-out of this site was set up in April 1999; in January 2002 the compiler completed the first input of all files.
Now a continuing project starts: filling certain gaps in the tables. And this will take much more time than the construction itself; so maybe the work on this site will "never end" ...

© "Populstat" website: Jan Lahmeyer

feather on line Please do not hesitate to e-mail your comments to the compiler: Jan [email protected]

moving globe

     containing files of all countries






USA: per state

More about this site: ABOUT

Frequently asked questions: FAQ

Links to other sites: LINKS

Remarks on the data: REMARKS

Sources used for the data: SOURCES

Recent updates of files: UPDATES

If you're interested you may also take a look at the homepage - in Dutch -
with more links to hobbies of the compiler of the site Jan Lahmeyer

Thank you for visiting this website.
Last modified on 2006-10-30 by Jan Lahmeyer

14 owls on a line